Party Wall Surveyor Personal Consulting in the Building Industry
Helping you to find the right solution
t: 01306 885728 m: 07957 546925
Helping you to find the right solution
t: 01306 885728 m: 07957 546925
Serving notice on the Adjoining Owner notifying them of the intended work as required under the Party Wall etc. Act 1996, undertaking a schedule of condition if required, letters of appointment, through to the serving of the actual Party Wall Award.
Based on a proven record of 17 years experience within the building industry, plus 15 years as a consultant, the aim is to solve those difficult, time consuming issues that often have a significant impact on the site. Negotiating with Highways, Drainage and Statutory Bodies to ensure that roads and drainage are adopted and services are delivered to programme.
Do you require help on a project however large or small? Able to fill that gap in knowledge or support a team on a freelance basis. Experience covers traditional housing developments, refurbishment and high end projects, including in depth selection of quality materials.